Backyard Gardening

I enjoy growing vegetables in my garden in the back yard. Given the time and money spent each year, I don’t know that I’ll ever “make money” with my garden, but I enjoy it and that makes it valuable to me. What is my plan for a successful garden this year? Let’s dig 🙂 into it deeper.

The month of March was a tease with the weather seemingly warming only to get cold once again. But nevertheless it is time to start planning my garden for this year.

I hve three goals or plans for the garden to help it to be successful this summer and the summers after that. I’ll call my goals Spring, Summer, and Fall because those are the times that I will meet each goal.

In the Spring I’m going to plan the layout of my garden based upon the sunlight received in parts of the garden. I know that this seems obvious, but I’ve followed a strict rotation of my garden beds and found that while rotation is good, my yield was greatly diminished last year due to either too much sun or too little sun. The tomatoes for example were in simply too shady of a corner, while the squash, onions, and beans received too much.

In the Summer, I plan to be more conscious of my garden on a daily or regular basis. My plan is to use a 10-15 minute “visit” to my garden after work as a way to decompress and be more present while I am at home. The garden will give me a task to perform and focus to make it a regular action. The garden will benefit from the daily attention and weeding that can take place. With making this a regular action it should produce better vegetable results with improved mental results too.

Lastly, by the fall I plan to build a new compost system. I designed and built one at our old house that I really liked and enjoyed. I liked composting as a form of reusing what would otherwise be organic matter thrown away, and enjoyed the dark, rich soil that it produced from my former garbage.

I certainly have other goals and projects for the summer, but these three will help my backyard vegetable garden as well. I’ll provide updates and details on my progression of each of these goals.

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